What type of roof do you own? This is one of the first things you must ask yourself before inquiring as to what kind of effect heat can have on it. Each material is different, so it stands to reason that heat will act on almost every roof differently. In the case of resilient and oftentimes expensive materials like ceramic tiles, concrete and slate, heat and even fire can have less of an effect, and in many cases having such a roof can save your home from severe damage, as the roof will hold until the firefighters arrive to put out the fire.
In the case of UV rays coming from the sun, the heat bombards your home in the form of radiation, which means reflectivity is a greater quality. Dark slate shingles might do well in a fire or when the temperature is high, but it will also absorb a lot of UV rays and get really warm. A more reflective surface or a white colored roof will do much better. Metal roofs are also some of the best reflective roofing choices you can think of getting.
Finally, when comparing how two similarly colored or reflective roofs can deal with the heat when they’re made of different materials, it’s important to mention heat expansion. This effect can severely damage lower quality asphalt shingles, despite their fire-resistant qualities or white, reflective paint. Ceramic tiles, metal, and concrete roofs are typically the best roofing products you can choose to prevent such unwanted results. Count on conscientious roofing Houston TX contractors to give you sound advice when it comes to your roofing services.