Southeast Houston Hail Storm

Were you affected by the 2/26/2019 Hail Storm?

Southwest Houston Area was recently hit by a hail storm, your roof system may have been compromised as a result. Experts agree hail damage is a necessary and critical roof repair.

  • The shingles hit by hail have loosened the bond with the granules to the asphalt layer. While you cannot see this from the ground the loosened granules will often end up where your gutters drain.
  • Once the granules fall off the damaged areas of the shingles, the sun’s ultraviolet light can weaken the exposed spots and make them brittle. In the winter, the shingle expands and contracts and can curl and crack after being weakened by hail. The exposed areas are then very susceptible to leaks and wind damage.
  • Insurance claim periods can vary but typically there is a set amount of time a home owner can make a claim after the damage occurs – whether you were aware of the damage or not.
  • Once leaks occur, the damage can be extensive due to potential damage from mold, electrical issues, ceiling and wall damage from water and perhaps even personal property losses. The damage can also come very quickly and often is not initially detected.

Contact our office today for a FREE, no obligation roof consultation. All inspections include a detailed photo report.



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