Did you know that squirrels can cause thousands of dollars in damage to your home? We use Squirrelgard® to repair and protect lead jack flashing. SquirrelGard is a protective device for a plumbing vent stack with a lead jack flashing. The lead jack flashing is a weatherproofing cover formed substantially of a lead material permanently secured over the plumbing vent stack.
SquirrelGard® completely covers the exposed surface of the lead jack flashing to prevent chewing, teeth sharpening/filing, and damage to the waterproofing qualities of the lead jack by squirrels.

State Roofing Company is a proud installer of SquirrelGard®. SquirrelGard® was designed to slide over a lead pipe flashing damaged by squirrels, providing a water-proof solution without replacing the lead flashing and violating the surrounding shingles.
State Roofing recommends to its customers that SquirrelGard® is installed from the start to protect lead jack flashings.